TradeZero Trading Hours: Pre Market & After Hours (2025)
TradeZero America and International/Bahama extended hours (EH, AH) trading fees, broker surcharge, and time period. How to enter TradeZero pre
market and after market buy/sell orders/trades.
What Time Does TradeZero Starts Trading?
TradeZero starts trading at 4:00 am, EST. This is the earliest pre-market time among online
brokers. Some brokers have the same
pre-market trading hours.
TradeZero Extended-Hours Trading Time
Investors at TradeZero have access not just to the regular session (from 9:30 am until 4 pm, EST) but to extended hours as well. These
are from 4:00 am EST until the market opens, and then from market close until 8:00 pm EST.
Better Alternative
Another $0-commission broker, Webull, not only offers the longest
extended-hours period (4:00 am until 8:00 pm, EST) but also paper trading, IRA accounts, and free access to a trading platform, all of which are not available on TradeZero.
Learn more in Webull review.
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Visit Webull Website
Day-Trading and Extended-Hours Services
TradeZero America offers a suite of services that day and swing traders will want to be aware of. The broker offers a short locate feature. Hard-to-borrow shares can be located as well. There are fees for these services. They vary by security.
TradeZero America enforces the pattern-day-trading rule for customers who place more than 3 day trades in a rolling 5-business-day period inside a margin account with under $25,000 balance.
In addition to day trading, TradeZero America clients can also trade outside of the regular session. The broker’s pre-market period starts at 4:00 am, EST. The night session runs until 8:00 pm. TradeZero America clients can start locating securities to short starting at 6;50, EST.
Other services at TradeZero America that day and swing traders may want to take advantage of include direct-access routing, alerts, advanced orders, charting with tools, hotkeys, custom layouts, up-to-the-minute news articles, and Level II data.
A margin rate at TradeZero America is 9% across all balance levels.
Computer Platforms
TradeZero America offers three computer platforms, ranging from simple and free to complex and pricey. Here they are, in ascending order:
This is the entry-level platform, and it is rather basic, using HTML5. There are no alerts, custom layouts, stock screener, or market movers. Real-time news and a HTB locate feature do make an appearance, however. There is also a watchlist that’s a standard feature, and several can be created and saved.
Charting on ZeroFree is rather basic. There’s no full-screen mode, and there’s only 4 technical
Going up a level we get ZeroWeb, which is a browser platform. The first benefit that it offers
over the free platform is the ability to display 4 Level II quote boxes at a time. The free platform can only show 1 at a time.
Up to 6 charts can be displayed simultaneously on ZeroWeb. This, too, is an advantage over ZeroFree, which can only show 2 at a time.
With ZeroWeb, we also get custom layouts, a useful feature not found on ZeroFree. Advanced hotkeys and Level II quotes are no extra charge, another advantage.
ZeroWeb’s charting system is the same as ZeroFree’s.
Updated on 12/22/2024.
Chad Morris is a financial writer with more than 20 years experience
as both an English teacher and an avid trader. When he isn’t writing
expert content for Brokerage-Review.com, Chad can usually be found
managing his portfolio or building a new home computer.